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The NABA has been established as a recreational yet competitive baseball league. River City NABA will not tolerate teams or individuals being involved in fighting, verbal or physical abuse, bringing and consuming alcoholic beverages and/or drugs to any field that we play at, individuals not being in mandated uniforms, and fields not being maintained properly. Many families and fans of all ages attend our games and it is everyone's responsibility to represent the NABA positively.  Therefore, the following policies have been adopted by River City NABA and are to be adhered to at all times. 





ALL Managers, Coaches, Players, or Fans must practice Sportsmanship before, during, and after any NABA events.


Sportsmanship expresses an aspiration that the sports activity will be enjoyed for its own sake, with proper consideration for fairness, ethics, respect, and a sense of fellowship with one's competitors. Being a "good sport" involves being a "good winner" as well as being a "good loser".  Sportsmanship typically is regarded as a component of morality in sport, composed of three related and overlapping concepts: fair play, sportsmanship, and character.


  • Fair play refers to all participants having an equitable chance to pursue victory and acting toward others in an honest, straightforward, and firm, and dignified manner even when others do not play fairly. It includes respect for others including team members, opponents, and officials.

  • Sportsmanship can be conceptualized as an enduring and relatively stable characteristic or disposition such that individuals differ in the way they are generally expected to behave in sports situations.

  • Character refers to dispositions, values, and habits that determine the way that person typically responds to challenges, failures, and successes and is typically seen in polite behaviors toward others such as helping an opponent up or shaking hands after a game.


In general, sportsmanship refers to virtues such as fairness, self-control, courage, and persistence. It has been associated with the golden rule of treating others as one wants to be treated, maintaining self-control in dealing with others, and respect for the rules, authority, and opponents.


The manager is responsible for enforcing good sportsmanship by the "unwritten" rules of baseball.  If a player or manager is unsure of these unwritten rules, please do an internet search.





A.      ANY Manager, Coach, or player involved in any fight at a NABA game or event, before, during, or after the game or event, will be subject to ejection and a minimum 3 game suspension and 20 game probation.  A second offense will result in a minimum 10-game suspension and 40-game probation.   A third offense will result in a minimum 30-game suspension, 100-game probation, and/or permanent expulsion from the NABA.  A third offense will also result in that player’s team forfeiting a minimum of 1 regularly scheduled game up to the remainder of the season.


B.      ANY verbally abusive attack on a game official, Manager, Coach, or Player by another Manager, Coach, or Player will result in an ejection and a minimum 1 game suspension of up to 3 games.  A second offense will result in a minimum 4-game suspension and 20-game probation.  A third offense will result in a minimum 10-game suspension and 40-game probation, up to possible expulsion from the NABA.  Any spectators who are out of line 


C.      If both teams leave their dugouts and/or fight, both teams will be ejected and receive a loss for that game, as well as the cancellation and forfeiture of the next week's regularly scheduled games.  A second offense will result in the forfeiture of 5 games up to the remainder of the season. 


D.      Managers are responsible for controlling their teams and their players’ behavior.  Managers of teams who have more than 3 occurrences related to fighting, abuse of officials, or alcohol/drugs may be subject to suspension and or removal from the manager role.


E.       Managers and players are responsible for controlling their spectator's behavior.  Spectators can be ejected from the stands and must leave the park immediately. This is subject to an ejection for the manager or player involved, length to be determined by the severity of the actions.


It is EVERYONE'S responsibility to avoid any physical altercations.





Umpires shall not be physically or verbally abused.  If you have a complaint about an umpire’s call, explain it to him.  If you are reasonable, they will be reasonable.  Irrespective of your opinion, all decisions by umpires on the field must stand, and arguing will not be tolerated. If problems develop between you and an umpire, notify the League President and provide them with the umpire’s name and it will be looked into. 


A.      It is a violation of CALIFORNIA STATE LAW (California Penal Code 243.8 A, B) and NABA rules to physically attack an umpire or their personal property before, during, or after a game or event.  Any Manager, Coach, or Player in violation of this rule will immediately be suspended for a minimum of 10 games, placed on probation, and face additional penalties up to expulsion from the NABA as well as potential criminal prosecution. 


B.      Discussions with umpires are to be done on the field.  If any player or manager follows or engages an umpire off the baseball field (as defined by fence lines) to confront, verbally abuse or threaten an umpire, they will be suspended for a minimum of 4 games, placed on probation, and face additional penalties up to expulsion from the NABA. 


C.      If any team’s spectator(s) or fan(s) follows or engages an umpire off of the field to confront, verbally abuse, or threaten an umpire, that team’s manager could face up to 3 games of suspension. It is the manager’s responsibility to control his team and spectators at all times. 


D.      Any player ejected for verbal abuse of an umpire (or any other reason) WILL BE SUSPENDED FOR A MINIMUM OF 1 ADDITIONAL GAME, UP TO 3 GAMES, as well as placed on probation and/or suspended indefinitely from the NABA.


E.      A manager ejected 3 times in a season will not be allowed to continue as a manager in the NABA.





A.        Alcohol or illegal drugs are NOT allowed on ANY school grounds at ANY time or any other facility that does not permit the consumption of alcohol.  This is a California State law.


B.        Neither alcohol nor illegal drugs will be allowed at ANY NABA event nor field, before or during any NABA-sponsored game or event.  This will apply to all Teams, Managers, Coaches, Players, and Spectators.


C.        The NABA does NOT permit the consumption of alcohol or illegal drugs while you are representing the NABA.  You are considered to be representing the NABA any time you are acting as a Manager, Coach, or Player at any NABA event or game.


D.        NABA teams will be held responsible for their fan’s actions before and during all their games. Any spectators or anyone else possessing illegal drugs or alcohol will be informed of NABA Policy.  Failure to comply with requests to remove the banned substances may result in forfeiture of games and/or law enforcement being notified, resulting in possible arrest.


E.    ANY violation of the NABA alcohol/drugs policy will count as an individual AND Team violation.


  1. The first violation will result in an automatic ejection of those involved, as well as an additional three-game suspension and 20-game probation for all those involved, plus a one-game suspension for the Team Manager.

  2. The second violation will result in an automatic ejection of those involved, as well as an additional ten-game suspension and 40-game probation for all those involved, plus a three-game suspension and 1-year probation for the Team Manager.

  3. The third violation will result in an automatic indefinite suspension from the NABA.


F.         Any violation of the NABA alcohol/drugs policies that causes the loss of a field used for NABA games will result in the immediate, indefinite, and entire suspension of any team violating those policies.  That team will also be fined the cost of said fields for NABA use.  Any such fine must be paid before reinstatement consideration. 


The umpires officiating NABA games, the NABA National Office, River City NABA Officials, and Commissioners shall be the only people to render a decision regarding a team possessing alcohol/drugs.  All Managers, Coaches, and Players have the responsibility to notify any league official that may be present at their game or the umpiring crew of anyone possessing alcohol or drugs. 





A.      ALL teams must meet the minimum uniform requirement as designated at the season start. (Usually, 3-6 weeks from opening day and will be announced)


B.      ANY player or team not meeting the NABA requirements for minimum uniform (matching jersey, matching hats, baseball pants) will not be allowed to play in that game.  All players must have their jersey with a number unique to that player for the entire season, and a hat that matches the team.


C.      It is the opposing manager’s responsibility to bring uniform violations to the attention of the umpire and notify the umpire of which player or players are ineligible to play.  If the umpires refuse to enforce this rule, play the scheduled games and contact the league President with the umpire’s name and any other necessary information.


D.      Teams will NOT be permitted to exchange uniforms between players during a game to meet the minimum uniform requirement.


E. any decisions made by the umpires regarding uniforms must be reported to the league President immediately.


F.      There is a 2-week grace period for new players added to the team during the season. It is advised that managers order additional jerseys and hats to have on hand as the season progresses.




A.      ALL fields require maintenance upon completion of a game or practice, either before and/or during the season, unless other arrangements have been made.


B.      The visiting teams shall drag the infield and base paths when a drag is available, before, between, and after games.


C.      The home teams shall rake and fill holes on the pitchers' mound and at home plate before, between, and after games.


D.      Each team’s dugout and spectator area are to be swept out and cleaned of trash.


E.      ANY team who fails to perform these duties after a practice or game will be fined.  The fine will be a minimum of $30.00 and not more than $200.00.  The team will also be subject to a 1-year league suspension.




A.      River City NABA and River City NABA Officials, one or all, will meet, discuss and decide on any violations and penalties to the above policies.


B.      ANY decision rendered by River City NABA and River City NABA Officials, one or all, will be final.


C.      Any suspensions will go into effect immediately at the next scheduled game(s).  Multiple game suspensions will be served in consecutive games unless amended by River City NABA Officials.


D.      ANY person or team who violates any NABA rule, and is suspended for any length of time, will not be refunded ANY league dues, fees, or forfeiture bond money.   





A.     Local River City NABA Rules will supersede any NABA National Rules.


B.     NABA National Rules will supersede current year MLB rules.


C.     Any rule NOT covered by Local River City NABA Rules, or NABA National Rules will rely on the current year MLB Rules


D.     Any rules in A, B, or C above can be overruled by the River City NABA League President as he sees fit for the integrity of the game.


E. Player's age must be verified by the presentation of a current California driver's License, Passport, or other Government issued ID that shows the date of birth.  Once a player's age is confirmed, a League ID will be issued with the player's "League Age" that does not show DOB.  A player agrees to give the information to determine age at any time requested by a league or tournament official, or by an umpire at a manager's request for an age check. This applies to both the League ID and California Drivers License.  A player who refuses to present proper ID when requested will not be allowed to play until it is appropriately presented.




A.      All participating players are subject to one season of team retention starting from the first practice or game attended by that player.  The term of one season will end at the conclusion of the season.


B.      At the conclusion of each season, a mutual option must be exercised by both the player and the manager in order for the player to remain on the roster. The intent is that players that wish to not play for their current team would ask for a release, or managers who want to release a player may do so. All released players will be subject to a waiver claim in reverse order of the Division standings from the prior season.  The League Player Agent or President shall administer all such moves.


C.      No in-season player moves between teams are allowed. This can be appealed to the President in extraordinary circumstances, but in any instance must be approved by all players involved and both managers.  Players involved may not be eligible for the playoffs, again subject to appeal.


D.      Players may be released at any time for conduct deemed to be detrimental to their team, the league, or any umpires. Any player released may be offered up through waivers and selected by another team. A released player who clears waivers becomes a pool player, and will not be refunded ANY league fees. Detrimental conduct will be determined by team and/or league leadership.





A.      A game time forfeit is declared when a team has less than 8 players at the scheduled game start time. A 15-minute grace period will be granted if a player is late and on the way. At the end of 15 minutes and the player has not arrived, a forfeit will be declared.


B.      If a team knows that they will not have enough players ahead of game time, it is incumbent on the manager to notify the league president of the team's intent to forfeit. The sooner the better as it is not fair to the other team, the scheduled umpires, or when paid field prep is scheduled.


C.      A forfeiting team will be responsible for costs, which may include umpire fees, field rental, and field prep costs, among others. The Manager will be notified of the actual cost of the forfeit within one week, and those costs need to be paid before the next scheduled game.


D.      Forfeits should be avoided at all costs because of the inconvenience to the other team, umpires, and field personnel.  There is always a pool of temporary players available to fill in, just contact the League President or Player Agent and they will help fill.


E.      A team that has a second forfeit will be given season-long probation.  If a third forfeit occurs, the team will be penalized and/or disbanded. Disbanded teams will receive NO REFUNDS of player fees.




A.      In consideration of being allowed to participate in the River City NABA activities or functions, including, but not limited to, games, practices, and meetings and intending to be legally bound for me, my heirs, executors, and administrators.

B.     I do hereby release and discharge the River City NABA, including but not limited to, the National Organization, its officers, directors, agents, contractors, employees, the local league presidents, league commissioners and managers, and city, county, and/or state organizations, school districts, or board or any other governing body that may have jurisdiction over any public baseball field or other the facility that I might play on, any other owners, lessors, or providers of fields or facilities (whether privately held or otherwise), any umpires or umpire organizations, and their respective officers, directors, agents, contractors, employees, and other players in the Association jointly and severally, from any and all liability from personal injury, accident, illness, COVID, disability, death, property damage or other occurrences which I may suffer in any manner whatsoever arising out of or resulting from my participation in any NABA activity or function.





In this contract that you agree to, by signing up to play in the NABA and checking the box that you understand and agree to, you promise to abide by all NABA local rules and policies and most importantly to behave as an adult.  YOU are responsible for your actions and behavior and the consequences.  All player fees paid are non-refundable.  Uniform fees are between the player and the manager, and not a league issue.


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